• attend to beauty

  • on the table
    roses unfurling
  • moonlight
    colder on snow
    than darkness
  • caught in the spider web
    and a fly
  • attend to beauty

  • on the table
    roses unfurling

  • moonlight
    colder on snow
    than darkness

  • caught in the spider web
    and a fly

    Complex Simplicity - The Poetry of

    Complex Simplicity - The Poetry of

    cheryl pfeil von der heyde


    Northern California Haiku Poets

    Yuki Teikei Haiku Society

    Haiku Society of America

    North Bay Letterpress Arts

    While studying Japanese poetry with Diane di Prima, my metier revealed itself: composing haiku. I delight in its concise, elegant expression of what we experience in the midst of life, as suggestive of the Whole - Nature and the Cosmos - and our connection with it.


    Northern California Haiku Poets

    Yuki Teikei Haiku Society

    Haiku Society of America

    North Bay Letterpress Arts


    see my latest book:Bzz Offkey

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